
Environmental Policy

Aurenav is committed to providing quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimizes our impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do. Aurenav has adopted the following proactive environmental policies:
  • Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all of our decision making and activities
  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work
  • Reduce waste through reuse and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable
  • Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable
  • Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of
  • Purchase and use environmentally responsible products accordingly
  • Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programs
  • Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it
  • Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimize the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current and planned future activities
The Aurenav Environmental Policy covers all aspects of operations from good housekeeping measures such as using both sides of paper prior to recycling to ensuring that investments made are environmentally sound. The policy also commits us to promoting suppliers and services that adhere to environmentally sound ways of operating.

Reducing Waste

  • Reduce waste where possible by thinking about what we buy and how we use it.
  • Non­essential documents and emails will not be printed.
  • We annually review which internal documents and external publications are essential, if they are not they will be cancelled thus reducing waste and saving money.
  • We encourage all printing and photocopying on double sided paper.

Reuse and Recycle

  • Reuse wherever possible by trying to find a second life for items especially paper and office stationery.
  • Scrap paper will be used in printers, fax machines, for taking messages and for writing notes or draft copies of documents.
  • Envelopes and packaging will be reused where possible.
  • When office furniture and IT equipment is being replaced we will seek to have those items reused or recycled.
  • Aurenav strives to use recycled paper for many publications and general office papers with a goal of using 100% post­consumer waste recycled papers.

Fair Trade

Aurenav will seek to purchase fair traded and environmentally sound goods. When catering for events, food should be organic, and tea and coffee should be fair-traded.


Aurenav promotes the use of cycling and walking as the main means of travel to local meetings. We also ensure the use of public transport for the majority of journeys. For trips within Sweden, Aurenav has a policy of using rail or bus instead of car and air travel whenever possible.
Passenger trains in Sweden are all electrically powered. Intercity trains in Sweden only use renewable electricity from hydroelectric and wind-powered sources; the production of electricity for the trains causes minimal emissions.


Aurenav will seek to minimize the use of energy in its activities. Aurenav currently uses electric light bulbs that are more energy efficient. Lights and equipment are switched on only when needed and not out of routine. Heating will be kept to a minimum and the thermostat will be regularly checked to ensure it is not set too high.