

Section A  


Thank you for visiting the Aurenav web site and reviewing our Legal Notice. This notice addresses intellectual property rights, copyright, service marks, trademark rights, and use of content contained within this web site. This notice covers the following topics:

  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks
  • Use of Aurenav Web Site Content
  • Use of e-mail addresses contained on this web site
  • Linking to this web site
  • Security
  • Disclaimer
  • Contact Information

Section B

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Notice

The content that has been placed on this web site is the intellectual property of Aurenav LLC.

Contents of this web site are copyright © 1981-2012 by
Aurenav, LLC - All rights reserved worldwide.

Trademark Notice

Aurenav ™ ® is a trademark of Aurenav, LLC (Nevada, USA).
Aurenav Research Institute (ARI) is a service mark of Aurenav, LLC (Nevada, USA).
Enterprise Systems Architecture Laboratory (ESAL) is a service mark of Aurenav, LLC (Nevada, USA).

All products or services mentioned on this web site are the trademarks or service marks of their respective companies or organizations.

Section C

Use of Aurenav Web Site Content

Noncommercial and Education Use

Permission to use Aurenav web site content is hereby granted to education institutions (both faculty and students) for nonprofit use. See permission guidelines below.

Commercial Use

Any commercial or for-profit use must be approved in writing by the copyright holders and will require appropriate license agreements.

OMG, AITP, ICCP, WWISA, and Education Use

Permission to use the AITP NCC Java Competition material royalty free is hereby granted to the AITP, AITP members, ICCP, ICCP members, and accredited* education institutions (both faculty and students) for nonprofit use. Members means a "member in good standing" at the time the material is used. See permission guidelines below.

* Accreditation body must be recognized by the United States Department of Education.

Permission to use the OMG related content is hereby granted to the OMG, OMG members, and education institutions (both faculty and students) for nonprofit use. Members means a "member in good standing" at the time the material is used. See permission guidelines below.

Permission Guideline

Aurenav requires any use of content on this web site to be properly credited to the respective Aurenav company, affiliate, or partner and for a prominent link or reference to the Aurenav web site:


Prior permission to use Aurenav web site content is not required for situations covered by this Legal Notice in which permission for not-for-profit use has been granted. Prior permission to use content may be obtained by contacting us.

Aurenav reserves the right to prohibit an organization from linking to our web site (Refer to Section E).

Section D

Use of Aurenav e-mail Addresses

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Nevada Revised Statutes 41.705-735
Recipients can sue for actual damages or $10 per e-mail, plus costs and attorneys' fees.

California Business and Professions Code §17538.45
California Business & Professions Code §17538.4
California Penal Code §502
Allows an "e-mail service provider" (i.e., companies or individuals running a mail server) to recover statutory damages of $50 per message, up to $25,000 per day, or its actual damages, whichever is greater.

Sweden Marketing Practices Act Article 10 Distance Selling Directive (97/7/EC)

These laws provide legal remedies to bring both criminal charges and civil litigation against spammers to collect damages for the unauthorized use of our mail servers and IT infrastructure. Aurenav e-mail servers are maintained at multiple geographic locations including all three jurisdictions noted above.

Aurenav supports the blacklisting of domains and IP addresses associated with spamming activities and may report spammers for blacklisting.

The automatic scanning and use of e-mail addresses on Aurenav web sites is prohibited. Aurenav e-mail addresses may only be used as part of a bulk e-mail if the owner of the particular e-mail address has specifically opted into the bulk e-mail list and has the right to terminate the bulk e-mails at any time. Aurenav reserves the right to use “honey pot” e-mail addresses on our web site in order to enforce our anti-spam policy. A “honey pot” e-mail address is an e-mail address that is only used to document e-mail address “scan and spam” activities.

Section E

Linking to the Aurenav Web Site

Aurenav invites other web sites to link to our web site.

Aurenav maintains a policy of promoting moral, ethical, and socially responsible Internet community standards. Aurenav maintains intellectual property rights over the content and the usage of content maintained on Aurenav web sites; consequently, Aurenav reserves the right to prohibit sites from linking to Aurenav web sites if the linking sites in question are deemed to violate the public trust or are deemed to be inappropriate.

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  • Do not use Aurenav's logo without prior written permission when creating a link to the Aurenav website. This is to avoid hesitation about who is responsible for the information on the webpage where the link is placed. Instead, state the link to the Aurenav webpage in a neutral way.
  • Only use so called hyperlink text while linking to the Aurenav webpage so that the user gets transferred directly to the Aurenav web server when clicking on the link.
  • If you have questions about our linking policy contact Aurenav for more information.

Section F


Aurenav, as developer and manager of this web site, has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its data and prevent unauthorized access to information maintained by us. These measures are designed and intended to prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of private information in our possession.

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Unauthorized use of Aurenav Group Internet resources is prohibited.

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Section G  


Neither Aurenav, nor any group company, affiliate, officer, or employee of Aurenav warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current.

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The information contained in this website is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this Site. The information on this Site is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal or other competent advisors.

While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this Site has been obtained from reliable sources, Aurenav is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this Site is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

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Section H

Aurenav Contact Information

You may contact Aurenav using our Contact page.


Third-Party Trademark Notices

All products or services mentioned on this web site are the trademarks or service marks of their respective companies or organizations.

OMG™ Trademarks

The following are Registered Trademarks of OMG:

  • CORBA®
  • The OMG Object Management Group Logo is a registered trademark
  • The Information Brokerage®
  • CORBA Academy®
  • IIOP® XMI®

The following are Trademarks of the OMG:

  • OMG™
  • Object Management Group™
  • The CORBA logo is a trademark
  • ORB™
  • Object Request Broker™
  • The CORBA Academy Design is a trademark
  • OMG Interface Definition Language™
  • IDL™
  • CORBAservices™
  • CORBAfacilities™
  • CORBAmed™
  • CORBAnet™
  • Unified Modeling Language™
  • UML™
  • the UML Cube logo is a trademark
  • MOF™
  • CWM™
  • Model Driven Architecture™
  • MDA™
  • OMG Model Driven Architecture™
  • OMG MDA™

OMG marks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks, service marks and/or certification marks of Object Management Group, Inc. registered in the United States.

A number of initiatives involving the OMG were funded and supported by Aurenav and conducted by the Enterprise Systems Architecture Laboratory (ESAL) operated by our affiliate, Auldenfire Sweden AB - a platform member of the OMG.

AITP™ Trademarks

The AITP Logo is a registered trademark of the Association of Information Technology Professionals registered in the United States.

ICCP™ Trademarks

The ICCP Logo is a registered trademark of the Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals registered in the United States.