

Our Company

Aurenav - Bringing people, business and technology together.

Aurenav is a vertical IT solutions provider of

  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Network design, implementation and operation
  • Application and service integration
  • Custom application design and implementation
  • Regulatory and industry compliance standards
  • Web presence
  • Security

consider IT solved!

Every day over 1.5 Billion people in 165 countries use information and communication systems that Aurenav provides enterprise architecture solutions and senior consultation services for.
Aurenav operates an Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence providing services and products to publicly traded multinational companies, government, military and large non-government organizations. Our extensive experience includes both the management and the design of complex, enterprise architecture solutions for critical IT infrastructure environments that require a high level of availability, security, scalability and reliability. Aurenav specializes in providing expert enterprise architecture consulting, solution design and assessment services to clients with program budgets in the Euro 250M to Euro 4B range.
Aurenav provides pragmatic information and communication technology solutions for enterprise class organization in both the private and public sectors emphasizing agile processes, methodologies and frameworks designed to create value for our customers.

Aurenav ICT and business services customers include: