
Research Institute

Industry standards work and research within Aurenav is the responsibility of the Aurenav Research Institute (ARI). ARI works with leading Universities and large enterprise organizations in both the public and private sector to investigate emerging technologies and processes and evaluate commercial and open source products and services.
An important function of the ARI is to provide applied research within the Enterprise Systems Architecture Laboratory (ESAL), which was founded in 1983 and merged into ARI in 2003. ESAL is tasked with developing and deploying new platforms, frameworks and process into large enterprise organizations. ESAL works closely with government and industry standards organizations such as the Object Management Group (OMG), the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and The Open Group.
ESAL standards contributions include:
  • Common Enterprise Models Competency
  • Common Warehouse Metamodel Meta Interchange Patterns
  • Common Warehouse Metamodel Web Services
  • Data Distribution Service
  • Manufacturing Technology and Industrial Systems (MANTIS)
  • Meta Object Facility 1.5 PTC Revision
  • Meta Object Facility 2 Core
  • Meta Object Facility 2 IDL
  • Meta Object Facility 2 XMI
  • Notification/JMS Interworking
  • Online Upgrades
  • Open Cloud Computing Interface Core
  • UML 2 Diagram Interchange
  • UML 2 Superstructure
  • UML 2 Testing Profile
  • Workflow Process Definition
A second area of focus for ARI is technology assessment and comparative analysis that takes place within the Technology Assessment and Research Laboratory (TARL), which was originally founded in 1981 and merged into ARI in 2003. TARL has developed an extensive library of software and hardware reviews that analyze capabilities, comparative differences in functional and nonfunctional requirements, ease of use, implementation approach and return on investment.