
Proactive Security

“Prevention is the best cure”

We consider Proactive Security as an integral step to providing complete IT security services for your business.
With our Planning Services we help you identify and prioritize the security concerns which are inherent to your business processes and organizational issues. Consequently we define the security policies and develop the best security practices that meet your organization’s requirements.
Aurenav develops Disaster Recovery plans that ensure your business continuity and tackle a potential security breach in a cost effective manner.
We can help you implement the security policies within the appropriate framework of services, forming a well-built IT Security Architecture as well as produce complete design guidance for your personnel to follow.
Our Management Services focus on a non-stop tracking and surveillance of your systems to detect & prevent potential intrusion & provide a quick remediation.
With Aurenav you can be sure that you receive an in-depth, policy-based protection of your company’s assets as well as instant response & investigation to a security breach.